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Rolling fiberglass insulation in an attic

Weatherization & Energy Efficiency Services

What is weatherization?

the act of protecting a building against bad effects of the weather, especially cold wind or rain, for example by stopping heat from escaping

- Cambridge Dictionary

Comprehensive Weatherization

NeighborWorks® Toledo Region has been the sole provider of comprehensive weatherization service in Lucas County, offering services at no cost to low-income homeowners and renters, since 1983.


Our weatherization services are made available through the State of Ohio's Home Weatherization Assistance Program, WarmChoice® by Columbia Gas® of Ohio, and Community Connections by FirstEnergy - Toledo Edison®.


Thanks to these long-standing partnerships, NeighborWorks® Toledo Region provides impactful energy efficiency services to over 300 households annually and has made thousands of Lucas County homes safer, more comfortable, and more affordable.

Weatherization technician installing exterior sidewall insulation at a home

What happens when your home is weatherized?

Adjusting thermostat


Our energy conservation work reduces both the amount of energy and the costs required to heat, cool, light, and power your home.

Checking hot water tank

Health & Safety

We test and address many common hazards to ensure each member your home can live there safely, in a healthy environment, and with peace of mind. 

Man and child smiling looking at a tablet

Increased Comfort

One of the most common things we hear after work is complete is, "I'm so much more comfortable now."  We can make your home warmer and less drafty, and we help you achieve comfort at a lower cost. 

Fixing a lightswitch

What can weatherization work include?

Work performed during a weatherization project may include:

  • Heating unit or hot water heater repair or replacement

  • Appliance replacement

  • Insulation in attics, sidewalls, basements, or crawlspaces

  • Ventilation

  • Air sealing

  • Minor plumbing or electrical repairs

  • Replacement of inefficient light bulbs and power strips

All work is tailored a home's individual needs and identified during an initial inspection of the home. In some cases, only some of these items will be required, and in others, we can identify additional ways to assist based on needs and available funding. 

Please note that while we strive to provide timely support, our service is not equipped for or intended to address emergency situations. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Healthy Homes Program


Healthy Homes assessments evaluate the presence of hazards in homes that could potentially cause health and safety concerns, either short term or long term.

Addressing Hazards

Assessments are performed in order to provide our team with a scope of work to conduct hazard mitigation efforts, like the removal of lead in water pipes, or asbestos in wall insulation.


The reduction of Healthy Homes hazards minimizes the risk of accidents or health concerns in occupants. If hazards are left untreated in a home, its overall health can decline.

Make your home more energy efficient, reduce your energy costs, and create a comfortable home with weatherization. 

How does it work?


The application

We make the application process simple. Although we provide weatherization through multiple programs, we have just one application. Our Customer Service team is skilled in evaluating which ones you qualify for and always ensures you receive the broadest scope of service our team can provide. 


The home assessment

The way in which a building functions is a science, but they're each a little different. If you qualify to receive services of any kind, we always begin by performing a thorough home assessment to identify your home's unique needs and the areas where our work will be most effective.


Health, safety and other repairs

Your health and safety are our top priority. Before any other work is performed, we make sure there are no lingering hazards. We also may make other repairs to ensure that your home is ready to receive energy-saving components that will work like they're supposed to and stay effective long-term.


Energy-saving work

After we know your home is healthy and safe, we'll move on to conserving energy. In this stage, we often focus on insulating attics, sidewalls, or crawlspaces, and  sealing other areas where your home may be losing heat.


The final inspection

Our job is never complete until a certified, trained Quality Control Inspector evaluates the work we performed. By re-evaluating our work after it's done, our inspector can 1) make sure it was effective, and 2) make sure your home remains safe and hazard-free. 

Start your project today

We are excited to work with you to ensure your home is healthy, safe, comfortable, and energy-efficient.

Do I income qualify?

Current Income Limits

Size of Household









Total Household Income (12 Months)

up to $30,120

up to $40,880

up to $51,640

up to $62,400

up to $73,160

up to $83,920

up to $94,680

up to $105,440

For households with more than eight (8) members, add $10,280 for each additional member.

We make it simple



Fill out the pre-application form, and one of our Customer Service team members will contact you with the full application and a complete list of required documents




Contact us so we can mail or email a copy


Do you have questions about our Weatherization services?

Get in Touch

Thank you for contacting us! One of our team members will reach out to you as soon as possible.

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